अब १० वर्षे लाइसेन्स, ट्रायल फेल भए एक महिनामै परीक्षा

Source: http://kinmel.setopati.com/

सवारी चालक अनुमति पत्र (लाईसेन्स)को अवधि ५ वर्षबाट बढाएर १० वर्ष बनाउने तयारी भएको छ। यातायात व्यवस्था विभागले गरेको तयारी संसदबाट पारित भए  सवारी चालकले पाउने लाईसेन्सको अवधि १० वर्षको हुनेछ।
विभागले सवारी तथा यातायात व्यवस्था ऐन २०४९ को दफा ४९ संशोधन गदै लाइसेन्सको म्याद  ५ वर्षबाट १० वर्षको बनाउन तयारी गरेको विभागका प्रसाशन शाखा अधिकृत वीरेन्द्र स्वारले सेतोपाटीलाई बताए।
नयाँ सविधान बनेसँगै परिवर्तन हुन लागेका कानुनको  संशोधन प्रक्रियामा  विभागले तयार गरेको मस्यौदामा अवधि बढाउने प्रस्ताव संसदमा पठाएको उनले बताए। विभागले मस्यौदामा गरेको तयारी अब संसद हुँदै सम्बन्धित समितिमा गई पुनः संसदमा आएर पास भए सवारी चालककले एक पटक लाइसेन्स लिएपछि १० वर्षसम्म प्रयोग गर्न पाउनेछन्।
सवारी अनुमति पत्र (लाईसेन्स) लिने प्रक्रियामा समेत विभागले केही संशोधन गर्दै मस्यौदा तयार गरेर उनले बताए। सवारी तथा यातायात व्यवस्था ऐन २०४९ मा सवारी लाईसेन्स लिँदा सवारी चालक कुनै एक परीक्षामा फेल भए तीन महिनासम्म पुनः लाइसेन्सको प्रक्रियामा सहभागी हुन नपाउने व्यवस्था छ। तर, विभागले अहिले तयारी गरेको संशोधन मस्यौदामा तीन महिनाबाट घटाएर एक महिना हुने भएको छ।
‘विभागले गरेको तयारी संसदबाट पास भएमा लाइसेन्स परीक्षाको कुनै एक पक्रियामा फेल भए पनि एक महिनामै पुनः परीक्षा दिन पाउनेछन्,’ स्वारले भने। विभागले धेरै लामो समयसम्म परिवर्तन नभएको गैर करमा समेत वृद्धि गर्न लागिएको उनले बताए। ‘धेरै लामो समयसम्म पनि गैर करमा परिवर्तन भएको छैन, हामीले यसबारे पनि मस्यौदा तयार पारेर संसदमा पठाएका छौ,’ उनले भने, ‘विभागले यस अघिसम्म सवारी चालक अनुमति पत्र (लाईसेन्स) लिँदा लिने राजस्वमा दोब्बर शूल्क लिने तयारी गरेको छ।’
मोटरसाइकल, स्कुटर, मोपेडको लागि ७ सय रूपैयाँ लाग्ने शूल्कलाई १ हजार ५ सय रुपैयाँ बनाउने तयारी भएको छ। त्यस्तै कार, जिप, डेलिभरी भ्यान, टेम्पो, अटोरिक्साको  १ हजार रुपैयाँ बाट वृद्धि गरेर २ हजार रुपैयाँ गर्ने तयारी विभागले गरेको स्वारले बताए।
पावर हिटर, ट्रयाक्टर, मिनीबस र मिनीट्रक चलाउने चालकले लाइसेन्स लिँदा १ हजार ५ सय रुपैयाँ तिर्ने गरे पनि अब विभागले गरेको तयारी मस्यौदा संसदबाट पारित भएमा ३ हजार रूपैयाँ तिर्नुपर्ने उनले बताए।
ट्रक, बस, लहरी, रोठरोलर, डोजर, क्रेन, दमकल, लोडर र त्यो भन्दा ‘ह्याबी’ प्रकारको सवारी चलाउने चालकले लाइसेन्स लिँदा  २ हजार रुपैयाँ रूपैयाँबाट बढाएर ४ हजार रुपैयाँ पुग्ने तयारी भएको उनले बताए।
विभागले त्यस्तै सवारी दर्ता शुल्कमा समेत वृद्धि गर्ने गरी मस्यौदा तयार गरेर संसदमा पठाएको छ।
विभागले निजी ठूला सवारी साधन दर्ता गर्दा अहिले लाग्ने ९ सय रूपैयाँबाट १ हजार ५ सय रूपैयाँ, मझौला सवारीको हकमा ६ सय रपैयाँबाट १ हजार रुपैयाँ र साना  सवारीको हकमा ४ सय ५० रुपैयाँबाट ८ सय रूपैयाँ बनाउने तयारी गरको छ।
यो प्रस्ताव संसदबाट पारित भएको अवस्थामा सवारी दर्तामा नयाँ शुल्य लाग्ने छ। पारित नभएको अवस्थामा पुरानै शुल्क कायम रहने  उनले बताए। त्यस्तै विभागले  मोटरसाइकलको दर्ता शुल्क १ सय ५० रूपैयाँबाट ३ सय रुपैयाँ बनाउने तयारी गरेको छ।
त्यस्तै भाडाका ठूला गाडी दर्ता गर्दा १ हजार ५ सयबाट २ हजार ५ सय रूपैयाँ, मझौला गाडी १ हजार रुपैयाँबाट १ हजार ५ सय र सानो गाडीको हकमा ७ सय ५० रुपैयाँबाट १ हजार ४ सय रुपैयाँ बनाउने तयारी गरेको उनले सेतोपाटीसँग बताए।

प्रकाशित मिति: सोमबार, बैशाख २०, २०७३ १९:०४:०८

Diversity VISA-An Introduction

It is lottery that hands over us  a ticket that enables us to to go one of the powerful nation of the world- United States of America.
-Green Card Through the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program

The Diversity Immigrant Visa Program (DV Program) makes up to 50,000 immigrant visas available annually, drawn from random selection among all entries to individuals who are from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States. The DV Program is administered by the U.S. Department of State (DOS).

Most lottery winners reside outside the United States and immigrate through consular processing and issuance of an immigrant visa. To learn more, visit the U.S. Department of State’s website.

Diversity Visa Winners Legally Residing In the United States: Apply Through USCIS

There are, however, a small number of lottery winners each year who, at the time of “winning the lottery,” are residing in the United States in a nonimmigrant or other legal status. For these winners residing inside the United States, USCIS processes adjustment of status applications. The following information applies to winners legally residing in the United States only:

Eligibility Criteria

For an applicant to adjust status under the DV Program, you must establish that you:

  • Have been selected for a diversity visa by DOS’s lottery;
  • Have an immigrant visa immediately available at the time of filing an adjustment application (Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status); and
  • Are admissible to the United States.

Visa Availability

For visa availability, check the latest month’s DOS Visa Bulletin. Section B contains a chart showing the current month’s visa availability in the Diversity Immigrant category. The chart shows when the Diversity Immigrant cut-off is met. When the cut-off is met, visas will be available in that month for the applicants with Diversity Immigrant lottery rank numbers below the specified cut-off numbers for their geographic areas.

Section C contains a chart showing the Diversity Immigrant category rank cut-offs for the following month, which represents the advance notification of Diversity Immigrant visa availability. As soon as a monthly Visa Bulletin is published, anyone with a lower rank number than the rank cut-off number shown in Section C is eligible to file for adjustment of status. This provides lottery winners the opportunity to file for adjustment of status up to six or seven weeks before a visa number can actually be allocated. This gives USCIS additional time to determine your eligibility for adjustment of status before the end of the fiscal year.

A Diversity Immigrant-based adjustment application cannot be adjudicated until a visa can be allocated, as indicated in the Visa Bulletin’s current Diversity Immigrant rank cut-offs for a particular month.

Application Process

To obtain a Green Card, you must file Form I-485.

Supporting Evidence for Form I-485

Submit the following evidence with your Form I-485:

Other Considerations

The adjustment of status process for diversity visa winners must be completed by September 30 of the fiscal year the lottery pertains to. Visas cannot be carried over to the next fiscal year.

FRAUD WARNING: Fraudsters may send you emails claiming you’ve won the Diversity Visa (Green Card) lottery. Never send money to anyone who sends you a letter or email claiming you have won – learn how to protect yourself from scams.


  • Log into this website:
    Enter your Receipt Number in the blank box and your status of your GREEN CARD. The receipt number is the number of the bank voucher which was used while paying for the Green Card.
    receipt number.jpg

——–After your successful interview at the US EMBASSY, You will get you VISA shortly after wards. You need to go to the nearest Embassy authorized bank of your country.For example-Its Nepal Investment Bank for Nepal, where your visa will be send by the US Embassy after your visa is issued.
——–You can either pay for your GREEN CARD from Nepal or even from US.
–The RECEIPT looks like this. Hope this photo helps.

RECeotp part 2.jpg
——-From Nepal, Nepal Investment Bank does the paying work who will charge you Rs 500 for service charge.. The green card will cost you 165 dollar for its processing.
If you pay from Nepal early, your green card will be made more earlier than after yo go to US and pay for it.
——-The location where your GREEN CARD will be sent depends upon the location given by you at the POE -Point of Entry at the Airport of US, where you will landing for the first time.
–Your Green card can be sent to any where in US where you desire.It can different from the location of you sponsor that you have written in the DS-260 FORM.
–For other informations go into this site.

Don’t be fooled by scams when applying for a U.S. diversity visa

This article is copied from this link/website.

New American citizen Salve Reed, right, gets a congratulatory hug from friend Ana Katz after a naturalization ceremony. (© AP Images)
October 1 marks the opening of registration for the Diversity Visa (DV) Program, which annually awards up to 55,000 U.S. immigrant visas to people from countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States. For many, winning an immigrant visa to the United States can be a dream come true. But if you’re applying, don’t let scammers turn your experience into a nightmare. The State Department’s Office of Visa Services warns that scam emails about the diversity visa lottery are on the rise.

You can only register for the 2017 Diversity Visa Program using the official website. But remember, registration closes at noon, Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5) on Tuesday, November 3, 2015. A random lottery will then be used to select the applicants who may continue the application process.

If you are planning to register for a diversity visa, avoid the scams by remembering these tips:

Look for .gov

Only visa information on U.S. government websites ending in “.gov” is official. Official U.S. government email addresses also end in “.gov”. Any visa-related correspondence coming from an address that does not end with “.gov” is suspect. Don’t be fooled by images of the U.S. flag, U.S. Capitol, White House or Statue of Liberty. Anything on the Internet that does not end with “.gov” is likely a scam.

Never send money for your diversity visa application

Fees for the DV application process are paid to the U.S. Embassy or consulate cashier at the time of your scheduled appointment. You will pay in person. The U.S. government will never ask you to send payment in advance by check, money order or wire transfer.

There’s only one place to find out your status: online

DV applicants must check their status online through the DV Entrant Status Check at http://www.dvlottery.state.gov. The U.S. government may send a reminder email but will neither communicate by traditional mail nor inform successful applicants by email. The only way to know if you’ve been selected to continue the application process is by monitoring the status-check Web page.

For more information on how to avoid being scammed, check out the State Department’s website on Diversity Visa Program scams.


डीवी को नतिजा ,DV -Diversity Visa “RESULT CHECK”-2017

To check your lottery result just enter your “confirmation code” plus date year and Last name in the website link below-

or*******Please be sure to have the Entrant’s Confirmation Number, Last/Family Name, and Year of Birth in order to check the entrant status online.*******

Please click on the link below to continue.


DV check garda website ko screen kasto hunxha ta? Photo muni cha..ra Dv pareo napareko  ke kasto hunxha teha tala jastai photo ma hernus.
dv check.jpg


part 2 check.jpgLAST PART .jpg

 If you get selected—> Yesto awucha.






 If Not Selected,Yesto dekauxha..
not selected.jpg






Best wishes 🙂
Keep in mind: The US Government won’t mail or call you even if you win or don’t win the lottery. Don’t fall under the fraud or fake mail by unknown persons.
–All the process afterwards can be done by yourself .